Monday, January 10, 2005

The Application of Worship As a Lifestyle - Part I

Worship is a lifestyle- which required a MAJOR change in my priorities, my schedule, and my relationships.

The first time I read about the concept of worship as a lifestyle, I remember thinking “WOW! I can worship God in how I live?” The decision to do so involves faith, trust and submission. As much as I like to laugh and joke around, I am not about half stepping, or playing games where God is concerned. To do this, it takes a serious ongoing commitment- for life!

Noting that something was always ‘missing’ in my life, and attributed to my underlying lifelong unhappiness, I realized it was because I was unwittingly worshipping false gods. Myself, my family, my career, my car, my hobbies, other interests, money and things it can buy. I was worshipping false gods/idols in the sense that ALL of these things came first before God.

According to Rick Warren, anthropologists have noted that we were “wired for worship”. Nothing/nobody can fill your inner being like God. Without Him, we are always restlessly seeking trying to find fulfillment, happiness, but never finding lasting peace, lasting joy, lasting fulfillment. Unknowingly seeking to fill our hollow cores we turn to:

  • TV
  • books
  • magazines
  • sports
  • the movies
  • career
  • mo' money, mo' money, mo' money!
  • friends/relationships
  • cigarettes/cigars
  • alcohol
  • drugs
  • illicit relationships
  • and sex

trying to find that fulfillment for our core being that just cannot be filled by external sources. Only God has the power to do the internal work and fill us from the inside out. HE IS OUR FIRST LOVE.

Click here for "The Application of Worship As a Lifestyle - Part II"

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