Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Why Do We Even Ask For Advice? What Constitutes Being a REAL Friend? Part I

There have been times in my life that I have wondered if I have a sign only visible to others illuminating my forehead proclaiming, "Tell me ALL about it. I can help." People have come up to me out of the blue and started pouring out their hearts to me! Some of these people I have never seen before in my life!! I used to be kind of freaked out when this would happen, but I now view them as divine appointments. My job allows for regular interaction with the general public on the phone and in person, and I can't tell you how many times people feel a need to share.

On to the topic : When I ask my spouse or trusted friends something, it is because my inquiring mind wants to know! No, really, I am seriously seeking advice, if I have laid it all out for you, and asked you for Godly advice, I REALLY want/need it. But I am wondering why people even ask for advice!

It is one thing, if you are just unloading, and you just want a quiet/sympathetic ear. But if you ask for an opinion, for advice, for Bible based answers, then why, tell me why, do you go ahead and do what you want to do in your flesh anyway?! After all that time you asked that I expend energy into listening, holding your hand, praying with you, for you, and whatever else you needed for the situation to help you overcome it. Is it of any consideration that I have even been away from my family so that you can have private time to unload?

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1: 1, 2

Don't get me wrong - I understand all too well, the dilemma for a person with one foot in the world, and the other trying to walk holy - basically sitting on the fence. We've all been there/are there.... and if you honest with yourself, you know that doing the 'right' thing is hard sometimes even when you are supposedly living holy!

"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate, I do." Romans 7:15

But honestly, on the other hand, it just makes me mad sometimes. (The lack of action towards what is right, after all of the time spent talking, listening, praying etc...) Just be glad that I am not God! (insert lightning bolt ZAP here!) You know, I can understand just like everyone else reading this post, the temptations and situations that we face everyday. After all, I do live in this world too! And I do my best within my fleshly tent not to judge others in their walk. I love my family and friends, I stand by them, the way I would want them to be there for me in my time of trouble. (Even when they do what they want to do in their flesh).
Click here for Part II.


Anonymous said...

Ok, so you knew I'd have comments, right??!!
I think your last paragraph sums up how you should be toward your first friend. You wrote."I can always come to Him and share all of my feelings and thoughts without worry that He tires of me, or is constantly judging me. He never abandons me, never tires of hearing from me, even if I am relearning the same lesson over and over."

As for friend 2, I don't believe that walking away from someone because they don't "turn around" in our time frame is ever a good idea. I believe you should just continue to be there and love them.........the same as God does for us. We must remember how much we have been forgiven when dealing with others. Friend 2 will have to learn this for herself.

Now, I disagree with the second part of your following statement....."God never turns His back on me, even when I am not as completely holy as He is- which is every second of every day - SURPRISE!!!!" We must believe what God says about us, and not judge ourselves by our behavior. Hebrews 10:10 says >We have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ onece for all.< You are holy because Christ lives in you. Believe it!

A Heart of Worship said...
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A Heart of Worship said...

You said:

Now, I disagree with the second part of your following statement....."God never turns His back on me, even when I am not as completely holy as He is- which is every second of every day - SURPRISE!!!!"

We must believe what God says about us, and not judge ourselves by our behavior. Hebrews 10:10 says >We have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.< You are holy because Christ lives in you. Believe it!

I say:
I do believe it, because He says so! AMEN!

I am referring to my actions, thoughts, and words in my flesh as viewed from the human standpoint of view. Viewed like that, I'd never measure up!