Saturday, May 07, 2005

Are You Talking to Me?

To get the right effect, you just gotta ask the question in a real menacing mafia-fellow type voice. Go on, try it:

"Are you talkin' to me? "

Hee, hee, hee.
It was a great morning; the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, I was making great time driving along on my way to work, singing along to Israel Houghton’s wonderful worship CD, praising the Lord…and my cell phone rings.....and crazy me, I answer it! (Why did I even have the phone on during this time?) It is my old friend *Dana. We have become good friends over the years, and we know each other pretty well. I assume she has something on her mind, since she called me first thing in the morning.

After the pleasantries, there are pauses in the conversation. So while I am waiting for her to launch into whatever is on her mind, I fill in the gaps of conversation with just trivial stuff to ease her into whatever it is she really wants to talk about. And guess what? I can tell that she’s not listening to me at all. I hear her television blaring in the background, and I am becoming a little miffed. “So what’s up?” I ask her. “I know you are not listening to me. What’s on your mind?” She then comes to life and says, “Oh nothing! I called just to say 'Good Morning!' I admit that I am a bit distracted, shuffling through my papers, and straightening up a little right now.”

Well, excuuuuse, me! At this point I am selfishly thinking, “Oh-no she did-ent!” She did not interrupt my praise party to call me so I could have the pleasure of listening to her breathe on the phone! Before I knew it, I blurted out, “Look, woman! I am like God, in that when you and I talk, I want ALL of your attention.” Whoa! That’s heavy, I thought, after I said it. Of course, she laughed, and brushed it off. But I really was slightly jealous and annoyed that whatever she was doing, took her attention away from me…after all, she did call to talk to me, right? But I chose to let part of my morning devotions be interrupted by answering my phone, which then made me very annoyed with myself. The conversation ended very shortly thereafter.

Suddenly the Holy Spirit spoke to me: "When you answered your phone, you did the EXACT same thing to Me that you accused her of doing to you." Oh, my. Right backatcha! Ouch!

I allowed myself to be distracted by my phone, taking my focus off of God, interrupting part of my morning devotional time with Him just to answer the cotton-pickin' phone! How could I?

Think about this: Try to place yourself in our Heavenly Father’s position for just one minute, watching over our lives, seeing and listening. Think of how we sometimes pray distractedly. How many times we half read the scriptures, not even trying to seek understanding? We may have even offered worship and praise to Him half heartedly in a ritualistic mode on Sundays. We might even absentmindedly go through the motions of the service in a disconnected sort of way, thinking about dinner preparations or the game coming on later. If you are guilty of this behavior in the past, there is no reason to beat yourself up over it now.

When we condemn ourselves for those things I've listed above in addition to other things not listed, I think it's because we've forgotten or don't understand the concept that our total lifestyles are supposed to be our worship, our service, our praise offering to Him. Not just the worship service. Not just our devotional time. It's not what we do for's who we are and who we are becoming in Him. I imagine how that must grieve His heart, the way He loves us...only to get our leftovers at times, or broken, fragmented pieces of our selves, mainly because we misunderstand the concept of worship. How about the agony He may feel watching us continously beat ourselves up in defeat over past mistakes or misunderstandings when we do finally gain an understanding of the truth.

I am so glad that He is so full of love for us, and is merciful and just, seeing our hearts. He knows that I did not mean any disrespect or irreverance towards Him when I answered my phone in the middle of part of my morning devotions. I just lost my everloving mind for the moment and allowed myself to become distracted. But He knows me, loves me, understands me, sees my repentant heart and forgives me in spite of myself. How could I not want to give my all to Someone who loves me so completely and unconditionally like that?

Lord, I thank you for the lessons learned in this one little episode in my life. There were several:
(in no particular order)
  1. Tolerance
  2. Patience/Mercy
  3. Wisdom
  4. Understanding
  5. True worship
  6. Total Focus vs. Distractions
  7. Forgiveness
  8. Repentance
  9. Love
  10. Teachability

What a wonderful God we serve.

"For in Him, we live and move and have our being..." Acts 17:28.


*The name has been changed, to protect the guilty. ;-)


so i go said...

amen.. great post. thanks for these words that are so chock full of truth.

thanks also for your sweet and encouraging words at my blog. those were quite a blessing to receive!

Anonymous said...

Hi Letitia. It's your former office buddy. The one with the long hair and the beard. No, not that one. I was the GUY with the long hair and the beard.

Anyway, just thought I'd say hello and leave a link to my blog. You gave me this link a couple weeks ago but I'm finally getting around to coming here today, because I'm slow. Like a tortoise. Only more so.

Can I keep reading your blog even though I'm not one of your "sisters in Christ?" I promise I'll be nice.

Anonymous said...

Er... helps if I give the full address. Mea culpa.

A Heart of Worship said...

Hi there JR, aka "MC L and S" (One of my funny brothers in Christ!)

As always, you keep me laughing! Of course you are more than welcome to read my blog even if you aren't a sista!

You have plenty of company, as there are plenty of fellas reading the blog behind the scenes!

I know you'll be nice when you post...if not...well, you know me...aaaahhahahahahahaha...I'll GET you my pret-ty!

the princess said...


Thank you so much for commenting on my blog! If you want to e-mail me, my e-mail is I would post my phone #, but then everyone else could call me, too.

God Bless,


p.s. great blog--I am planning on reading more of it when I have some more time in a couple days.

M. Akamau said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving some great thoughts on what you would do if you could be in a certain occupation. I didn't even know you were here!


Shawn said...

I answered your vegetarian question in the comments section of my blog. Did you read it?

"I can tell that she’s not listening to me at all...and I am a little miffed."

“Oh-no she me so I could have the pleasure of listening to her breathe on the phone!"
- too funny.

I have a couple of friends who do the same thing. I'm always thinking "Get to the point already or create some conversation. You called me. I was doing fine all by myself-chat or begone!"