Saturday, May 21, 2005

To the New Graduates, from ' Mama L.'

I woke up from a nap on Friday evening, and this speech was in my mind. In my dream, I was giving this speech to a class full of graduates. It was not clear if they were college or high school graduates, but it was evident to me that I was not in the graduating class, but I was a guest speaker! (That alone tells you that it was a dream- I was giving a SPEECH?! hardy, har, har!) I did not get a time reference (no pun intended) in the dream, pertaining to whether or not I was already a college grad. I don't feel that I was though. I don't know what school would allow me to say these things, but here it is. Some of this 'speech' may ring familiar to some of you. It contains portions of my blog entitled:

Time...What is the Essence of it?"

"Act like people with good sense and not like fools. These are evil times, so make every minute count. Don't be stupid. Instead, find out what the Lord wants you to do."
Ephesians 5:15-17 (Contemporary English Version)

TIME- Some Interesting Features About Time.

Time - it seems to disappear when you think you don't have enough.

Time - it seems drag by when you think you have too much on your hands.

Time - it is a very valuable commodity:

      Time can't be sold by you to anyone.
      Time can't be bought from someone else for yourself.
      Your time can't be given away to anyone else for their share.
      You can't get more time than what is allotted to you!
      Time is more valuable than money.
      Time can be wasted foolishly on things.
      Time can be invested wisely in relationships.
      Time can't be banked like money.
      Time spent with others (especially with your children) can earn dividends.

Yesterday's time is always gone--an admonishment, not to live in the past!

Tomorrow's time is never here--don't live and plan excessively in the future!

(ex. I'll do that when the kids grow up, etc...)

Time is one of the most valuable assets that was given to you by God, for you to control and use wisely in your life.

How you spend your allotment of time largely indicates your values.

How you spend your allotment of time largely defines who you are.

The only time you have is NOW - the present!

    We've all heard the saying that "time is money". Well, you can always earn more money, you can even charge an hourly price for your time...but you can NEVER get that same quota of time back. Once it's gone, it's gone! More accurately, time is life...your precious life minutes ticking away that you just can't get back. Be sure to spend your time wisely, investing prudently in the opportunities that God places before you.
    The time given to you, that you are living and experiencing right now is a gift from God - the present, is just that! A present! You never know from day to day if it is your last day here with family and friends. We take it for granted that it will not be, but we truly do not know when it will be our last day or hour. Time is to be cherished, treated with care, used wisely and treasured.
    "But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." 2 Peter 3:8

    I think we all are a little guilty of this - especially when we are young; believing that we have 'umpty umpteen' years left -- I know I did. This perceived amount of unlimited time makes us susceptible to creating our mental list of 'to-do' stuff that we want to accomplish before we want to get to know God. Anything that we place on that list, that has priority before Him falls into the category of essentially becoming our idols. An idol is anything that has a place of importance higher than God in your life. We have heard all of these reasons before, and we may even feel this way now about the importance of some of the items in this list:

    • Our 'fast track' career committments (on your deathbed, will your career really matter?)
    • more education - waiting until we finish school (man-taught education cannot compare to teachings from the Spirit)
    • 'got to have it' clothes (He is concerned only about your heart)
    • 'bad' cars (what? what does that have to do with the price of beans, or the price of your soul?)
    • the house with the white picket fence (material possessions really do not matter at all in the grand scheme of things)
    • waiting to "get right" first or to "get it together" first or thinking you aren't good enough (you'll never be good enough, or get it right, so come as you are, to learn about His love, mercy and grace)
    • waiting to patch severed relationships, (yeah, that's a good thing- just do it, don't wait!)
    • waiting until we earn more money first (what's that all about?)
    • waiting to have more time in the future (huh?)
    • waiting until your house is clean- (huh? as long as you and others live in it, i'll never be perfectly clean. Anyway, warm hospitality is more important than spotless floors!)
    • to have time for 'church' one day (tomorrow is not promised)
    • not going to church now, because the preacher might be crooked (What does the preacher have to do with YOUR relationship with God?)
    • not going to church now, because they may steal your money (Give as God leads you. Don't worry about the rest.)
    • not going to church at all (that does not make you a 'heathen'...stop using this as an excuse to not have a relationship with God)
    • waiting until the kids are older (huh? they need to know Him too!)
    • waiting until when older and retired because we don't want to miss out on fun while we are young. (what a's a shame... a fantastic lie cooked up by the enemy!)

    Dont' misunderstand me...we all love nice things, and an education is very much necessary in this day and time to support yourself and your family. The point is not to allow any of those things to stand between you and God.

    Starting fresh in the world with a new accomplishment under your belt, do not forget what is really important. In all of your getting, get a relationship with God. Our days are surely numbered, so we should be very prudent and wise with our use of our God-given gift of time.

    I wish I had known God in my youth as well as I know Him now. I feel like many years were wasted, and needless pain suffered because of my lack of understanding, and lack of committment to Him. But it's all good, it's all God. I have been blessed to reach the point of how I know Him NOW.....and I pray that my relationship with God continues to grow as I am allowed the passage of time here on earth. I believe that I am here to share my experience with you, so that perhaps if you take to heart my words, you can benefit from the advice of an (ahem) older person, without needless heartache and pain.

    I don't know how much time I have....and unfortunately, you don't have the luxury of knowing how much time you have here either... no one matter what those fake 'death clock' internet sites state! Treat and accept your time as a gift - with thanksgiving and grace.

    From God's mouth to your ear: Use your time here on earth wisely, being ever mindful of His unique purpose and wonderful plan for your life and that of your family.

    "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." Galatians 3: 26-29

    Go rejoicing!


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