Thursday, June 23, 2005

"Hey Y'all! I'm Still Alive!"

Hey guys!

It's been a ROUGH couple of weeks, but by God's grace I am still here, alive, and making it.

Two Sunday evenings ago, I was at home working on an Abstract for this 5 week class, (that I had to get done before Monday), when my stomach started doing the "Feed me Seymour" routine.
If you hafta ask, never mind.....

Anyway, I decided to run out to Quiznos, grab a salad, and then circle around to get gas on the way back home to save me that trouble in the morning.

As I was walking on the front sidewalk outside the house towards my car, a little voice inside said, "You don't have your cell phone. Go back and get it. You may need it in case you have an accident." I remember thinking, "Accident? Ha! I'm just running over there, and I'm coming right back." But I did go back inside to grab my cell phone before I left the house.

All was going well... until a woman plowed into the right front side of my car! She was trying to make an illegal U-turn from her lane (the far right lane) across my lane, and across the incoming traffic lanes to turn into a shopping center we were passing on our left. She claimed that she did not see me because she did not look into her side mirror. (She also was talking on her cell phone!) There's a valid argument for cell phone distractions while driving!

Praise God, no one was hurt!

Several people were in their cars around us when this happened...and they all continued drive off around us! Not one witness stopped. It seems that people can be pathetically selfish and apathetic at times. Afterwards, I remember thinking, "But Lord, what about all of those people down through the years that I have assisted; all of those people that I was a witness for, where were mine? Why did they all just leave?" It turns out that I did not need any of them.

Anyway, I call several family members on my cell phone to come assist me, cuz I was shocked into brain deadness...what do I do? Then what?While I was waiting for them to arrive, I called a family friend for advice. Talk about a real "duh" moment!

The woman that hit my car seemed to be a very nice lady, and she admitted right up front that it was her fault. I could not ask for a better accident experience. This was my first accident in almost 30 years of driving!

I was advised by family members to call the police to get a report taken down anyway no matter how nice this lady was, because her story may change later.

I called the police. They came about 20 minutes later...but it seemed like an eternity. The police woman said that she had not been to an accident scene like this, where the people were so nice and cordial. I never thought about it until she mentioned it. All I can say is that God gets the glory for that! It never crossed my mind to get angry or to get upset. And the whole scenario was an incredible witness to my teenage sons!

"By their fruit you will recognize them...every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit." Matthew 7:16, 17

To make a long story short, her insurance company stepped right up, got me into a fabulous rental car (a brand new Infiniti G-35) and they towed my car to get it fixed. My poor little car suffered $4,500 worth of damages. I have not gotten it back yet, but I trust that it will be as good as new. I don't know why this happened, or what God's agenda was or is, but I trust that it's all working out.....

... And it's all good, it's all God.
Oh, and in case you did not know...that little voice that I heeded was that of the Holy Spirit!

Peace \0/

Oh, and by the way in case you were interested, I am maintaining an 'A+' average in my class. Two and a half more weeks to go, and it's done! Halleluyah! Summertime, here I come!


Anonymous said...

Wow, when you come back, you come back with a bang! What a story. I'm just glad there was no personal injury. You are just getting finished with that deal with Alan.
Never expected anything less than an A+ from you! Way to go!!!
Good to "hear" from you.

A Heart of Worship said...

"With a BANG!" Ha Ha, you are so WITTY, Lucy! ;-)