My Manchild Again...
"But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
1 Samuel 16:7
If you have been with me from the beginning, you may remember a post entitled, My Manchild". If not, you may want to read it before reading on here.
As much as you think you know your child, in their hearts there is a tiny recess that even you as their parent can't know or see. Only God knows. I just had such an awakening.
At my church, for Pastor Doolin's 10th anniversary, they were videotaping several folks' testimonies, as to how they had been affected by the ministry at FCF. My "Manchild" was one of the ones selected to give his testimony. When I saw the tape and heard his words, I was shocked!
Paraphrasing here, my son stated that in his mind, he intended on doing whatever he felt big enough and bad enough to do in his life. He was gonna sin in any way he wanted, and wait until he was on his deathbed to confess his sins. BUT, since coming to FCF and learning the Word in a way he could understand, he now knew and understood that God had a better plan and a better way of life for this point, the tears were gushing, my heart was pounding, so that is all I heard...
I was just glad to hear that the Holy Spirit had ministered to him, and now he fully receives the Word! This from a kid who told his grandmother a year ago that he did not own a bible, (he had several) to a kid who reads his bible on daily basis...on his own!
Aside from the inspired teachings that go forth from Pastor Doolin every Sunday for the general congregation, the church has a wonderful children and teens ministry that actively teach the Word of God. No boring Sunday school lessons here! I am sure they don't realize it, but the teens in my son's class are being mentored by positive role models that they interact with every week. I am sure my son has not thought about how Karl or Justin or some of the other teens and young men on fire for God have played a role in his decision to get serious about his personal relationship with God. I am just happy that it has! Thank you Lord!
Goes to show you--you never know what a person is thinking inwardly secretly, when they are demonstrating something else outwardly.
"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
Hebrews 4:12
And it brought my son to discover who God is, and the desire to get to know Him for himself through the Word a little better everyday. HALLELUYAH! \0/
on the little white envelope shown above.
These comments were re-added here by me removing my full name that some of my posters inadvertantly used in their original postings. In order to be completely candid on this blog, I feel that I cannot include my full name in the internet postings.....
- At Wednesday, September 21, 2005 4:47:00 PM,
Anonymous said...
Good Afternoon L, after reading the original "Man-child" I'm astonished regarding you’re son’s maturity. When it comes to spiritual matters, as parents we are concerned about our children and rightly so, but sometime it seems after we prayed for them and given them over to God...we can't "Let Go and Let God". Which reminds me of a little humorous anecdote at this point (I hope you don't mind) this mountain climber was on his way to the top of Mount Everest when all of a sudden he lost his footing and began to fall…on his way down he was able to grab a branch and hold on for dear life. After a few moments of evaluating his situation, he knew the branch would not hold him for long. In desperation he began to yell "hello is anybody out there" no response, so he yells again "hello is any body out there". Then a voice responds "let go and let God", the mountain climber yells again "is anybody else out there". Well we are like that mountain climber, at times we say we are going to let go and let God bring our children into the fold. However, do we really trust God with our children...remember how we were as children, oh yes we made it by the grace of God only...why can’t we totally trust God with our Children. God does know what he is doing. Your son, L gave an awesome testimony for his age and I know you are godly proud of him. I believe one day he will be used mightily in the
wow.. what an amazing testimony, and what an inspiring story of hope for all of our children..thank you!!
- At Thursday, September 29, 2005 10:51:00 PM, Carolyn said...
my precious sister. my heart rises with yours at the beauty of God's work in your child's heart. He is such a faithful God to a mama's prayers.
keep on your knees for him. how i rejoice with you!
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