To quote the late Rich Mullins' chorus from his song, 'Our God is an Awesome God':
"Our God is an awesome God,
He reigns from heaven above,
with wisdom, pow'r and love,
Our God is an awesome God! "
Have you ever looked up at the sun, and wondered how is it that it can heat the earth from so far away? Did you ever stop to think about how is it that it never overheats to burn us up to little black crisps?
How is it that we have day and night regularly timed each day? How is it that Spring and Fall comes regularly? How does the tide know not to come in too far, and how does it know when to recede? Why do the waves turn and return to the ocean once they reach a certain point on the sandy beach?
How is it that we have day and night regularly timed each day? How is it that Spring and Fall comes regularly? How does the tide know not to come in too far, and how does it know when to recede? Why do the waves turn and return to the ocean once they reach a certain point on the sandy beach?

Why do birds sing so beautifully? Why are the clouds and skies so beautiful? Why are flowers so beautifully captivating? Why are Spring and Fall so breathtaking? Why is the ocean and all of her creatures so wonderfully made?

The answers to these little questions to prove that our God is an awesome God, He reigns from heaven above, with wisdom, power and love, our God is an awesome God!

How is it that in the billions of people that are living/have lived on the face of the earth that no two of us are or ever have been exact duplicates?

The answers to these little questions to prove that our God is an awesome God, He reigns from heaven above, with wisdom, power and love, our God is an awesome God!
After looking around, and I can't help but quote another Rich Mullin's song, "Everywhere I go, I see You!" ('You' - referring to God).

Today is the day that we have designated to celebrate the birthdate of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who was born to die. I am beyond humbled and honored that God the Father loved me so much that he devised a plan to send His son to earth, to teach me about Him, and to ultimately offer Himself for me as a bridge between me and the Father for my salvation.

God had no other perfect way but to offer and sacrifice His perfect, without blemish Son for the redemption and atonement of my sins to bridge that great divide between me and His holiness.
After the Son was seated at the right hand of the Father, God sent His Holy Spirit and inspired His Holy Word to lead me and guide me into all truths. And the truth of the matter is, everywhere I go I see Him. God is everywhere!

I feel that I should remember, recognize and celebrate the birthday of our Savior everyday...not just on Christmas Day! Have a good day celebrating the most wonder gift ever given to mankind: The birth of our Savior. Share His love!

Beautiful, just beautiful!
Our God is Not an awesome God
I am semantically orientated. Definitions mean a lot. I hold to the principle that you should say what you mean. It just bugs me when words are wrong or phrases convey something incorrectly. These were the thoughts banging around in my grey matter as I ran this morning.
I cringe when I hear someone say, “Our God is an awesome God.”
When a song is sung with these lyrics I struggle to rewrite the words on the fly. It is difficult, but necessary. Let me explain.
To say, “Our God” implies that there might be other Gods.
Equally so, by saying, “an awesome God” also implies that there are others.
God tells us straight out in Exodus, "You shall have no other gods before me.”
So rather than incorrectly saying, “Our God is an awesome God.”
Be truthful and say, “God is Awesome!”
And as we ran this morning, I told Him so.
© 2007 Gary S. Trice
(from my Blog)
Gary, I never thought about the statement "Our God is an Awesome God" in a "semantically correct" fashion before, because in MY mind there IS ONLY ONE true and living God!!!!
To me, the word "awesome" is stating an attribute of God, of which the term "our God," is speaking collectively for all Christians....not meaning that He is awesome out of all of the other gods, but that "our God" (speaking in a possesive sense collectively) is awesome...simple as that.
Now that you brought it up,I can see how one could think that, but that has NEVER crossed my mind, semantically or not.
So truth be told, from both sides of the fence, GOD IS AWESOME, and OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!!!!
Beautiful, yes He is so great <3
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