The lyrics to the song "I Can't Live Without You" have really blessed me. I found myself humming and singing this song most of the day while I was at work today.
It is almost as if Darwin Hobbs could read my heart and penned these lyrics to the Lord just for me! I looked high and low on the internet for these lyricsso I could share them with you, but I could not find them, so here they are typed by my little fingers just for you!
"I Can't Live Without You"
by Darwin Hobbs, Cedric Caldwell, Victor Caldwell, Angie Winans
You are the true and radiant King
Your love for me inspires me to sing
Songs of thanksgiving and praise I am bringing
To you true and loving Lord
I lift my hands in worship to You
With holiness in spirit and truth
The angels cry holy and reverence You only
My God, my King, my Lord.
Hey, I know You are the reason
You really are the reason
You're the reason I live and move
The reason I have my being
Hey, I know You are the reason
You really are, You really are
You're the reason I can go on
The reason I wrote this song
I cannot live without You, Lord
I cannot live without You, Lord
Only by Your grace
Can I face every day
I cannot live without You, without You, Lord
I can't live without You
Just can't live without You
I can't live without You
Never wanna live without You
I can't live without You
I can't move without You
I can't breathe without You
I can't live without You
This song speaks of complete and utter dependence on God for life itself. Surrendering to His love, His will for your life; recognizing and honoring His Holiness in every aspect. Accepting His magnificent grace, worshipping Him with a bowed heart full of praise. Halleluyah! \0/
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