Thursday, August 10, 2006

Take me to the water...

It's been a year since this day, (July 24, 2005) and today, I recieved a new photo that I wanted to share with you. Here is my original post with my new picture.
"Take me to the water
Take me to the water
Take me to the water
To be baptized
None but the righteous
None but the righteous
None but the righteous
Shall be saved
So take me to the water
Take me to the water
Take me to the water
To be, to be baptized..."

Guess what everybody?! I was BAPTIZED today! It was absolutely awesome!

Ok, enough already...I heard your thoughts, " What, chile? You ain't been baptized yet?" Well, I was baptized when I was a 10 year old little girl, who had no idea whatsoever as to what I was doing or what I was doing it for. I don't even know who signed me up to be baptized. But I remember that cold and dreary week night service pretty well. I remember waiting in my seat for my turn. And it was already freezing cold in the church's basement in the old side of the building, where the baptismal pool had to be located! ;-P

My cousin Demetria was in line right before me, but when it was her turn to get into the water, she kicked and screamed to the high heavens for several minutes before someone finally had enough sense to remove her from the line! Then came my turn...and I remember nothing from that point forward. Now that's strange.... I remember the moments preceding the baptism, but nothing at all during or afterwards.

But I will remember today as long as I live! We were baptized after the 11:00 am service was over, outside in a huge outdoor tub on the grounds behind my church. The sun was shining brightly, the grass was a beautiful green waving ever so slightly as one body, the choir was singing, the music was heavenly, the people around witnessing us being baptized were seemingly all on one accord.

Before I knew it, my turn was next. Here I am, seated in the tub, ready to be baptized!

"The water chilled my natural body, but did not disturb my soul..."
"Be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!"

And then I was fully immersed in the water. It was almost as if time stood still for a minute. I looked up through the water's surface seeing the sun shining down brightly, while feeling a quiet peacefulness. After I got out of the tub, I remember jumping to my feet and lifting my arms in sheer joy! Yes! Now, I've finally been baptized in water with full knowledge and awareness of what I was doing! I am publicly proclaiming to be a follower of Christ! Then I was suddenly conscious of my now cold and wet, dripping body, so I grabbed my towel and scampered off to change. It was just a wonderful moment in time that was over much too quickly.

After I dried off and changed, I scurried back outside to the church's backyard to witness others getting baptized. Watching it turned out to be a emotional experience that snuck up on me and caught me by surprise. Me and my friend Nicole watched some of the others being baptized, and we both could seemingly feel their excitement and joy, and we were genuinely happy for them.

When I was leaving the grounds when the service was over, as I approached my car, unexpectantly, a dam suddenly burst inside...I can't explain it really, it was too many sensations to put to words, but I'll try to explain in a few words what I experienced. A huge wave of love, thankfulness, joyfulness, a cleansing, that welled up from deep inside. The river of tears were the only outward expression that an onlooker would have seen, not seeing the inner works. I sat in my car for a good while on the church parking lot basking in this wonderful experience, and the significance of my baptism.

Just a reminder to those reading this blog--Baptism doesn't make you a believer. It's an OUTWARD symbol of an INWARD commitment. It shows that you already believe. Baptism doesn't get you into heaven. Only a personal faith in Jesus Christ does that. Baptism is the "wedding band" of the Christian faith meaning that it's the outward symbol of the commitment you've already made in your heart.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19, 20

A total of 67 of us were baptized that day! As always, let me hear from you!
Love ya! \0/

*A big 'ol thanks to Donn Waddy for the photo where I am coming up out of the water! Another big 'ol thanks to Ricci Turner for the photo of me right before I went under! My before and after pix! LOL!


Anonymous said...

Apparently their is revival in the land. I am glad that you have had such a wonderful experience with your baptism. I thought you would use lyrics from "Lead Me to the Water" by Bryan Duncan though.:-) - lal

A Heart of Worship said...

Okay Lar, I guess my BD card has to be revoked! I am not familiar with that song! Will you sing it for me? ;-)


P.S. And yes, there is revival in the land!

CyberCelt said...

And here I though it was TALKING HEADS' song: Take me to the River

I don’t know why I love her like I do
All the changes you put me through
Take my money, my cigarettes
I haven’t seen the worst of it yet
I wanna know that you’ll tell me
I love to stay
Take me to the river, drop me in the water
Take me to the river, dip me in the water
Washing me down, washing me down

I don’t know why you treat me so bad
Think of all the things we could have had
Love is an ocean that I can’t forget
My sweet sixteen I would never regret

I wanna know that you’ll tell me
I love to stay
Take me to the river, drop me in the water
Push me in the river, dip me in the water
Washing me down, washing me

Hug me, squeeze me, love me, tease me
Till I can’t, till I can’t, till I can’t take no more of it
Take me to the water, drop me in the river
Push me in the water, drop me in the river
Washing me down, washing me down

I don’t know why I love you like I do
All the troubles you put me through
Sixteen candles there on my wall
And here am I the biggest fool of them all

I wanna know that you’ll tell me
I love to stay
Take me to the river and drop me in the water
Dip me in the river, drop me in the water
Washing me down, washing me down.

They are all great songs! God bless you and your preacher!

A Heart of Worship said...

I'm really not too sure what your song by Talking Heads is about, but I am positive it is not on the same wavelength as the spirituals referred to in my post.

According to these lyrics, this song seems to be one of those quasi-songs that blends spirituality and man's natural nature together in one format crossing and blurring the lines between the two. Almost one of those songs where it could be interpreted as singing about "Jesus or your girlfriend" but not quite.

Anonymous said...

Letitia congratulations on your baptism I’m happy for your commitment to your faith in Christ. After reading your “blog”, I had some thoughts that I would like to share with you with reference to your emotions following. Before I begin, I would like to state that you have a sound biblical exegesis in regard to the ordinance of baptism. “Just a reminder to those reading this blog--Baptism doesn't make you a believer. It's an OUTWARD symbol of an INWARD commitment. It shows that you already believe. Baptism doesn't get you into heaven. Only a personal faith in Jesus Christ does that. Baptism is the "wedding band" of the Christian faith meaning that it's the outward symbol of the commitment you've already made in your heart”. Very nicely said Letitia, I believe even the newest believer or non-believer can understand your interpretation of baptism
What I would like to comment on is your emotions, for some might say our Christian walk or experiences should not be based on feelings or emotions; that is true in part. There is always the extreme, which tends to distort the authenticity of something that is genuine.
I believe Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well in John chapter four may shed some light on your experience after your baptism. We pick up the conversation in verse 19 through 24: The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.
Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.
Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when neither in this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, shall ye worship the Father.
You worship that which ye know not: we worship that which we know; for salvation is from the Jews.
However, the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth: for such doth the Father seek to be his worshippers.
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship in spirit and truth.
Allow me to give you a brief history lesson concerning this woman who is a Samaritan (a half Jew) whom of which the Jews hated. The Samaritans held their high worship services on mount Gerizim and only read from the first five books of the Bible. They were known for their ecstatic and emotional filled services. Thus Jesus says you worship out of ignorance you have “inspiration but no information” you worship that which you know not of. As soon as the music would play at (Rhema Word Church) the congregation will enter into a “high praise” there really was no substance in their worship just an empty wagon making a whole lot of noise. I called this empty “arousology” yes, I know that is not a word in the lexicon but I like to make up words and if it sounds good it is ok. Therefore, she questions Jesus about the Jews in their worship “you say that Jerusalem (Straight Gate Church) where men get their praise on, I beg to differ. Jesus says to her look woman at Straight Gate we have the truth, folks are being saved…for salvation is of the Jews!
However the Father is seeking true worshippers you see, there is a problem at Straight Gate also; they have the truth but can’t get excited about it. They have “information but no inspiration” they are sterile, cold and decadent. The hour is coming and is now here that the father is seeking those who will worship him in spirit (GET EMOTIONAL) and in truth (YOUR INTELLECT) know why you are worshiping. Therefore, I said that to say this Letitia what you experienced by way of your emotions was a manifestation of the revelation of what God has done is doing and will do in your life. Our Father God has created with in us emotions that we may express our joy and sometimes even pain.
I believe you cannot have motion (movement) with out emotion (feeling). Letitia, God bless you. You are precious and I appreciate your openness.

Pastor Dave

Candy said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog. Which, in turn, led me back to you. I love this post. August 12, 2000 I was baptized! I was 44 years old. And just like you I had been baptized when I was younger (12) and it didn't mean anything. My parents had set it up for my brother and I (twins). I remember coming up out of the water and thinking "I didn't drown." and "oh no, now my hair is wet." Not exactly what I think God was wanting to hear. Like you, the second time I will never forget. I love your statement that "baptism is the wedding band of the Christian faith". I love that because I get it. You're so right. I am thrilled to have a soul sister in Maryland. very cool.

A Heart of Worship said...

I'd like thank you all for your comments! Keep 'em coming! Please mosey over and read "WWJD and WDYD?"

Pastor Dave! Man! You are going to have to break that 'sermon' down for a sista, my brotha! It flew right over my big head. I'll talk to you about it soon. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I was doing a google search to confirm the name of the spiritual that is song during baptism in baptist churches, and came across your site. Thanks for sharing your story. I was in my early 20's when I was baptised for the the very first time. I pray you are still walking in faith.

A Heart of Worship said...

Thank you all for your comments, and to my last commenter, YES! I am still walking in the faith! God is too real to ever deny Him!